How to get a fishbone out of your hand

A fishbone can be extracted by means of instruments or by cutting the skin.
1. Extraction by instruments: If there is a stump on the outside of the skin, you can use hemostatic forceps, tweezers and other instruments to clamp the stump on the outside and pull out the fishbone.
2. Cutting the skin to take out: If there is no stump on the surface of the fishbone and it is deeper, you can go to the hospital to take local anesthesia to cut the skin and take out the fishbone.
3. Other treatments: If the fishbone is deep, you need to disinfect the wound in time and inject tetanus antitoxin (if you are allergic to tetanus antitoxin, you can choose tetanus immunoglobulin) to prevent the infection of tetanus bacillus.
If you have a fishbone in your hand, it is recommended that you go to the hospital in time for examination and treatment as prescribed by the doctor.

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