What to do if your face is red in the heat

The redness of the face in the heat may be caused by rosacea, improper care leading to thinning of the stratum corneum, etc. Then it is recommended that the patient clarify the cause of the disease under the guidance of the doctor, and then improve the situation through medication as well as good skincare habits.

1. Rosacea: In addition to the redness of the face when exposed to heat, rosacea may also cause recurrent flushing papules, which can be treated with oral doxycycline or minocycline, as well as topical medications to promote the repair of the skin barrier, such as growth factors.

2. Improper care and thinning of the stratum corneum: When patients usually use improper skin care products or excessive skin care, resulting in damage to the skin barrier and thinning of the stratum corneum, the phenomenon of hot face redness may also occur. In treatment, you can use topical drugs that promote skin barrier repair, such as growth factors. Usually do not over clean the skin, and do a good job of sun protection.

When the patient has the phenomenon of hot face turning red, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for examination and symptomatic treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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