What’s wrong with a painful breast cyst?

Breast cyst pain is usually due to milk stagnation or due to breast enlargement. During breastfeeding, if milk stagnation occurs, it can lead to dilatation of the milk ducts, which can further lead to the formation of breast cysts. Stagnant milk has an irritating effect on the tissues, and the patient will feel pain in the breasts, which is usually painful and swollen. If breast hyperplasia occurs, breast cysts will also be formed, due to the stimulating effect of hormones (estrogen), will lead to breast pain, the pain is often related to the menstrual cycle, the pain is relatively obvious before menstruation, after menstruation, the pain can be gradually relieved. It is recommended that patients with painful breast cysts consult a regular hospital in a timely manner to clarify the cause of cyst formation under the guidance of a doctor, and to treat the cause of the problem.

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