The low fever of tuberculosis usually runs from time to time

Tuberculosis low fever mostly appears in the afternoon, but due to individual differences, the specific time from time to time, can not be determined, and not all patients will appear low fever. Low fever is a more common symptom in patients with tuberculosis, mostly in the afternoon, intermittent or persistent characteristics, due to differences in the severity of each patient’s condition, individual conditions and other factors, the specific time of low fever can not be specified, and not all patients will have a low fever, individual patients may have a high fever. Tuberculosis is caused by infection of the lungs by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the disease occurs in the trachea, bronchus, pleura, etc., it may also cause symptoms such as wheezing, dyspnea, chest pain, and irritating cough. If the disease is not treated properly, the bacteria may invade other parts of the body, which can be life-threatening. In order to prevent these serious consequences, patients need to actively cooperate with professional doctors for treatment.

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