Precautions and Care Points for Indwelling Needles

The precautions and nursing points of indwelling needle mainly include fixation and protection, sealing and flushing the tube, sterilization and replacement. 1. Fixation protection: the execution of indwelling needles requires strict checking and aseptic operation, those who can go down to the ground should avoid staying in the lower limbs, and should be fixed on the surface of the skin after puncture, and the local area should avoid substantial activities so as to avoid rolling needles and blood vessels piercing, etc.; attention should be paid to avoiding injuries to touch and water wetting of puncture place. 2. Seal the tube and flush the tube: close the tube with sodium heparin in time after the infusion is finished, so as to avoid air inflow and blood flow coagulation, etc.; flush the catheter with sterile physiological saline before the infusion, such as rinsing with resistance and no blood return to consider clogging, and don’t push hard to push the coagulated thrombus into the blood vessel. 3. Disinfection and replacement: before and after each use need to pay attention to the hygiene around the retention site, general povidone-iodine disinfection to prevent infection; at the same time, need to pay attention to the regular replacement of indwelling needles, rolling needles, blood vessel puncture, blockage, etc., at any time, generally retained for 3 to 5 days, preferably no more than 7 days, to avoid bacterial growth. Clinically not all patients are suitable for indwelling needle, need to be judged according to the specific circumstances, in case of redness, swelling and pain, blood seepage and other discomforts at the puncture point, inform the health care personnel in a timely manner.

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