How long do you usually take metoprolol succinate?

How long to take Metoprolol succinate in general is not clearly defined, it needs to be decided according to the condition and other decisions, clinical treatment of hypertension and other diseases need to be used for a long time. Metoprolol succinate can reduce cardiac output, lower heart rate and blood pressure. It is used for angina pectoris, hypertension, chronic heart failure with abnormal left ventricular systolic function. The instructions for Metoprolol Succinate do not indicate the duration of the course of treatment for which this product needs to be taken, which needs to be determined by a doctor’s assessment based on the specific disease, efficacy of the treatment, and the individual’s tolerance of the drug. Clinical use in the treatment of high blood pressure, chronic heart failure and other diseases usually requires long-term use. Metoprolol succinate visible adverse effects include fatigue, dizziness, headache, coldness in the extremities, bradycardia, palpitations, shortness of breath during exercise, depression, and sleep disturbances. This product is contraindicated in people with sick sinus node syndrome, cardiogenic shock, atrioventricular block of II and III degrees, decompensated heart failure. The drug should be used rationally under the guidance of a doctor.

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