Do you know what to do after cataract surgery?

  Precautions after cataract surgery: At the beginning, patients may not adapt to the strong light and should also avoid dust, and can wear sunglasses to block the strong light and dust. Eye drops should be administered on time as ordered by the doctor. Patients should understand how to protect their eyes after surgery to ensure faster recovery of the operated eye and consolidate the treatment effect.  Post-operative diet: liquid diet for 2 days after surgery, and general diet after 2 days (diabetic patients resume diabetic diet). The diet should be easy to digest and light.  Post-operative daily life: Avoid getting sewage into the eyes when washing and bathing within one week after surgery. After cataract intracapsular extraction, patients need to be fitted with glasses to correct the vision of the operated eye as early as possible. After discharge from the hospital, a follow-up visit to the hospital is required within one week. Precautions for cataract patients with eyes. Avoid strenuous exercise and weight-bearing for one month after surgery to avoid excessive force and high intraocular pressure that may cause the surgical incision to crack. Three months after surgery, refractive examinations should be performed at our ophthalmology clinic, and postoperative protective lenses should be worn in time to protect the health of the fundus.

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