Introduction to annoying hives

1, hives and measles are two different things, the cause of hives theoretically allergy-based, but measles is a viral infection that is contagious;
2.The baby was vaccinated for measles when he was 8 months old, but there is no vaccine for hives;
3, there are many types of urticaria, many causes, so the disease is prone to recurrence;
4, the acute attack of urticaria, the skin up a large wind mass, widely distributed, in severe cases can be accompanied by fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, breathing problems, coughing, etc.; 5, children urticaria, infection and food allergies are common causes, of course, there are many patients who develop difficult to specify the cause;
6, treatment is based on oral antihistamines, chronic urticaria need to take regular medication, according to the symptoms gradually decreasing, do not suddenly stop the drug, serious cases need to use intravenous glucocorticoids;
7, chronic urticaria, it is recommended that patients or parents usually keep a diary to record the attack time, distribution, triggers, etc., as well as the control of medication, from which the pattern can be found to guide treatment.

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