What’s with the weird smells lately?

Recently always smell a strange smell, may be olfactory neuropathy, sinus inflammation, nasal tumors, colds, nasal foreign body and physiological factors. 1. Olfactory neuropathy: once the endings of the olfactory nerve smell cell inflammation or degeneration, will cause olfactory abnormalities, will also smell a strange odor. 2. Sinus inflammation: including common sinusitis, atrophic rhinitis, caseous rhinitis, nasal foreign body and special sinusitis, especially fungal sinusitis, which can easily cause nasal odor and bad smell. 3. Nasal tumors: the presence of nasal tumors, whether benign or malignant, can also cause nasal odor, accompanied by pus and blood nasal discharge. 4. Cold: If the cold is caused by virus, it will easily lead to the involvement of the olfactory tract, olfactory bulb and olfactory nerve, which will induce the taste disorder, and you may smell the strange odor. 5. Nasal foreign body: If there is a foreign body in the nasal cavity, it may also cause the human body to smell strange odor. 6. Physiological factors: such as lack of hygiene, resulting in body odor, there may also be the phenomenon of often smell a strange flavor. If it can be excluded that it is caused by colds, it is necessary to suggest that the patient go to the regular hospital to receive a checkup, according to the results of the examination, treatment under the guidance of specialists.

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