What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating horse meat

Horse meat is a food that can supplement protein and other nutrients for the body, but long-term consumption of large quantities of horse meat may also cause indigestion, allergies and other phenomena. Horse meat is a common food, every 100g of horse meat contains 20.1g of protein, 365mg of phosphorus, 12.26mg of zinc as well as other minerals and vitamins, appropriate consumption of horse meat can supplement the body with nutrients, which is conducive to good health. However, if you consume horse meat for a long period of time and in large quantities, it may cause burden to the stomach and intestines, and indigestion may occur, and some people may also experience nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. Some people are allergic to horsemeat and may experience allergic symptoms such as itchy skin and rashes after eating horsemeat. Appropriate consumption of horse meat in daily life is good for health.

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