Is taro hairy?

The so-called “hairy food” Ming see generally refers to the use of food that can easily cause allergies or intolerance, modern nutrition does not have this concept. Taro herb, belongs to the vegetable food, cause allergies or intolerance phenomenon is less. The human body has many kinds of proteins, proteins help the human organism to operate, thus constituting the basis of life activities, but some foods are rich in xenoproteins, such as milk, eggs, fish, seafood, etc., easy to cause allergic phenomena in the body, this kind of food is known as the “hairy”, but taro xenoproteins content is very low, so it does not belong to the hairy! very low, so does not belong to the hairy things. Taro contains a lot of starch, dietary fiber and other substances, per 100g taro about 81 calories, its starch content can reach 16/100g, in the vegetables belong to the starch content is very high. Especially taro starch in the body will be broken down into simple sugar, can be supplemented for the human organism energy, and the body can also absorb the nutrients, so taro is a high nutritional value of food. Taro is suitable for most people to eat, and not too much restriction, but the human organism needs a very rich nutrition, in addition to taro, should also be intake of other nutrient-rich food, in order to nutritional balance.

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