Effectiveness of olanzapine tablets for insomnia

Olanzapine can be used to treat insomnia and its effectiveness in treating sleep is relatively good, but it is not recommended as a first-line treatment for insomnia. Because olanzapine is an antipsychotic, its main function is to treat schizophrenia, as well as organic mental disorders caused by other diseases, and it is more effective for insomnia with psychiatric disorders. The recommended preferred medication for insomnia is a newer type of sleeping drug that is not a benzodiazepine, such as zolpidem, dezopiclone, and zopiclone. In insomnia patients with psychiatric disorders, or organic psychiatric disorders, olanzapine may be considered. The generally recommended dose also starts with 1/4 tablet taken nightly, gradually increasing the dose and maintaining it with the smallest dose that can control the symptoms. It is generally recommended that it be considered if the patient has severe anxiety or depression, or if he or she has schizophrenia.

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