Is it too late to have your first child at 40?

Giving birth to your first child at the age of 40 is relatively late and is considered an advanced maternal age, which carries certain risks. Usually first-time mothers who are over 35 years of age are called advanced maternal age, because over 35 years of age, many people’s bodily functions begin to gradually decline, such as the decline of ovarian function, the quality of eggs, etc., and they may also have metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, etc., which are not conducive to pregnancy and childbirth, and they may even cause problems such as preterm labor, obstructed labor, fetal malformations, and an increased number of complications. When women over the age of 35 get pregnant, the risk is significantly higher than that of women of normal childbearing age, with a range of problems such as high mood swings, difficulty in conception, greater susceptibility to pregnancy complications, increased chances of problems with the fetus, and a long labor process. So having your first child at age 40 is late and carries certain risks. Whether age and physical conditions allow for childbirth should be advised by a doctor, who will formulate a plan according to the specific circumstances and under the doctor’s guidance.

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