Positions in bed at the sight of redness in early pregnancy

Early pregnancy see red bed position can choose to lie flat or side lying position. Early pregnancy see red may be due to the usual often have big emotional fluctuations, often lifting heavy objects stooping or do not pay attention to personal body maintenance so that the symptoms, at this time you need to maintain good habits, you can choose to sleep on the side, such as the left side of the position, the right side of the position of the sleep, you can also lie down, but it is best not to lie on your stomach to sleep, so as not to lead to the symptoms of the worsening of the miscarriage. Early pregnancy needs to develop good habits, with the passage of time, if the fetus gradually increased, usually try to take the left side of the position to sleep, to avoid causing supine position syndrome, to alleviate the problem of insufficient blood supply. If there is a pre-eclampsia in early pregnancy, absolute bed rest is required, and timely medical examination and treatment.

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