How to relieve leg pain after fever

Sore legs after fever may be related to infection factors. When the body temperature is too high, antipyretic drugs should be used to lower the body temperature, together with the use of anti-infective drugs to control the infection, and good daily care. If the body temperature is too high, for example, over 38.5 degrees, and the symptoms of soreness are more obvious, you can apply drugs such as ibuprofen to lower the body temperature, which has the effect of relieving pain. Because fever is related to infectious factors, such as bacterial infection, after diagnosis, it should be treated with oral antibiotic drugs, such as levofloxacin, amoxicillin, etc., to control the infection in time and eliminate the infectious factors. In the process of treatment, you need to do a good job of daily care, do not carry out strenuous exercise, to ensure adequate water intake every day, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, strengthen the body to keep warm, to prevent the body from catching cold, do not drink alcohol. Treatment should follow the doctor’s instructions, not unauthorized use of drugs to prevent adverse reactions.

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