Can you drink tea with gastritis?

Whether or not you can drink tea for gastritis depends on your condition. Acute stage can not drink tea, the recovery period can be moderate drink black tea and other tea. In the acute stage of gastritis, such as atrophic gastritis in the acute stage, the gastric mucosa has acute damage, in this case it is not recommended to drink tea, including black tea, green tea, pu-erh tea and other types of tea, will aggravate the symptoms of gastritis, it should be timely to consult a doctor to follow the instructions of the medication or to seek dietary advice. In the recovery period of gastritis, the function of gastric mucosa gradually recovered, but also need to take care of, it is recommended to drink black tea, ripe pu-erh tea, etc., should be taken warm, is conducive to the protection of gastric mucosa, however, for gastritis has no clear therapeutic effect. Gastritis patients should go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor to standardize the treatment and seek dietary advice.

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