Can I eat spicy food while breastfeeding?

You can eat spicy food while breastfeeding, but in moderation. Breastfeeding is a period of breastfeeding, and during breastfeeding, the mother’s body is relatively weak, if you eat a lot of spicy food for a long time, it may have an impact on the body’s recovery. Moreover, spicy food may contain capsaicin, which can enter the body of infants through breast milk and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract of infants, which may lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, eating less spicy food occasionally during the breastfeeding period will not affect the secretion of breast milk, and will not cause discomfort to infants and young children. In the breastfeeding period should pay more attention to the balanced intake of nutrients, but also need to pay more attention to rest, to maintain emotional pleasure, can be better for the development of infants and young children to provide sufficient milk.

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