25-year-old Ms. Luo suffers from infertility, surgical treatment to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother!

(Disclaimer: This article is for general use only, and the information in the following content has been processed to protect patient privacy)
Abstract: The patient, Ms. Luo, visited our hospital because she had been sexually active for 6 years without contraception for 3 years but did not get pregnant. She reported that her male partner had a normal semen test 1 week ago at our hospital. The patient underwent a hysterosalpingogram and found that there was primary infertility, so she visited our hospital again 1 week later for further treatment. She was treated with laparoscopic combined tubal lavage after the patient’s consent, and the operation was successful.
Basic information】Female, 25 years old
Type of disease】Infertility (primary infertility)
Hospital】Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Date of consultation】May 2022
Treatment plan】Surgical treatment (hysteroscopy combined with tubal lavage) + intravenous injection (cefotiam hydrochloride for injection)
Treatment period】1 week in hospital, review after 1 month
Treatment effect]: The fallopian tube was opened and the disease was cured.
I. Initial consultation
Ms. Luo came to our hospital because she had been sexually active for 6 years and had not been pregnant for 3 years without contraception. She reported that she had regular menstruation with medium volume, occasional dysmenorrhea but tolerable, no significant increase in leucorrhea, occasional vulvar itching, no other abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other discomfort. She was diagnosed with primary infertility. In order to seek further treatment, she visited our hospital again today and was admitted to our department for treatment of infertility.
II. Treatment history
After confirming that the primary infertility was caused by bilateral tubal incompetence, I told her that she needed to undergo combined hysterolaparoscopic tubal lavage treatment to open up the fallopian tubes and restore her ability to conceive. The patient agreed to this treatment plan and underwent preoperative tests such as routine blood count, electrocardiogram, liver and kidney function, and coagulation function, etc. After it was determined that there were no contraindications to the operation, the patient underwent hysterolaparoscopic combined tubal lavage under general anesthesia. The patient was discharged after 3 days with good wound healing and no abnormality on physical examination, and was instructed to review the patient in 1 month.
III. Treatment effect
On the second day after the operation, the patient was able to get out of bed and move appropriately, and no fever occurred due to appropriate activities and proper care during the hospitalization. After 3 days of hospitalization, the patient’s internal wound recovered well and the slight abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding disappeared.
IV. Precautions
I was very happy that the patient had a patent fallopian tube and recovered well enough to be discharged home for recuperation. However, in order to ensure the patient’s health afterwards, the patient should be advised to take more rest after going home, keep the abdomen warm, and avoid weight bearing or overexertion, which will be beneficial to the early recovery of her health. In addition, she should avoid intercourse during this period to avoid pelvic infection or ectopic pregnancy, which is not good for her health. She should also pay attention to good vulva cleaning and avoid taking a tub bath, as this may also lead to pelvic infection, which may cause the fallopian tubes to become incompetent again.
V. Personal insight
There are many clinical causes of infertility, and the patient in this case is suffering from abnormalities in the fallopian tubes, which are pelvic diseases. Usually, infertility patients will show no pregnancy after more than one year of intercourse and need to be treated for the cause to help them regain their ability to conceive. For infertility caused by tubal incompetence, surgical treatment is usually required. After opening the fallopian tubes, care should be taken to avoid infection and reduce the impact on the patient’s body.

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