What causes black spots at the base of the thighs?

Thigh root long black spots are mostly due to thigh root pigmentation, common causes for allergic dermatitis, lower extremity venous stasis dermatitis, melanoma, etc. It is recommended to consult a doctor in time to clarify the diagnosis and follow the doctor’s instructions for targeted treatment. 1. Allergic dermatitis: if the skin of thigh root is exposed to allergens, or long-term use of hormone drugs, patients may have allergic dermatitis, if repeated allergies or hormone stimulation of the skin, will lead to melanin deposition in the thigh root, manifested as thigh root black spots, to be better or to stop hormone medication, the black spots will gradually subside, you can also use hydroquinone cream and other drugs to lighten; 2. Lower extremity venous stasis dermatitis: patients with lower extremity varicose veins will cause local skin pigmentation due to superficial blood vessel expansion and tortuosity, which can be manifested as thigh root long black spots, and the symptoms can be improved through surgical treatment; 3. Melanoma: patients with melanoma will have irregular black spots of pigmentation on skin or organs and rapid enlargement, which can be manifested as long black spots on thigh root, and it is suggested that patients should consult the doctor in time, which can be treated by surgery and other means. There are other reasons for black spots on the thigh root, and it is recommended that patients consult the doctor in time to find out the cause of the disease and choose the treatment program under the guidance of the physician.

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