What are the benefits of salt water anal cleansing

Usually there is no special benefit of washing the anus with salt water, but washing the anus with salt water for a long time is easy to irritate the local mucous membrane and increase the risk of perianal diseases. General population with salt water to wash the anus is no special benefit, but appropriate use of low concentration of salt water to wash the anus can increase perianal comfort, to a certain extent, to improve the quality of life. If the crowd long-term salt water cleaning anus or cleaning with high concentration of salt water, it is easy to cause irritation to the perianal mucosa, inducing pain, itching, dryness and other conditions. If you suffer from anal fissure, hemorrhoids and other perianal diseases, the unreasonable use of salt water to clean the perianal easy to aggravate the condition, and even induce infection, affecting the organism to restore health. If you want to keep the perianal area clean, usually use warm water to wash the perianal area every night. For those who suffer from anal fissure, hemorrhoids, can also follow the doctor’s instructions with 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution sitz bath. It is recommended not to use salt water to clean the perianal area, and try to wear loose, cotton underwear, and also pay attention to change and wash, to prevent perianal infection. If there is pain in the perianal area, bleeding in defecation and other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

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