What’s the matter with the hidden pain in your teeth?

Hidden tooth pain may be caused by dental caries, chronic pulpitis, wisdom tooth pericoronitis and other reasons. 1. Dental caries: the degree of dental caries has reached the caries or deep caries and the nerve, when chewing food, there will be hidden pain, especially hot and cold stimulation when the tooth pain aggravated. 2. Chronic pulpitis: deep dental caries accumulates food debris, acute inflammation of the pulp induced chronic pulpitis, the toxins produced by the inflammation stimulate the pulp nerve triggered by pain, usually when eating, there will be hidden pain in the teeth. 3. Wisdom tooth pericoronitis: it means that the tilted growth of the wisdom tooth affects the nearby teeth and produces inflammation to stimulate the dental nerve, resulting in vague pain in the teeth. Cracked teeth, apical periodontitis and other dental diseases can also lead to vague pain in the teeth, it is recommended that the patient consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of a clear diagnosis, targeted treatment to relieve pain.

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