What to do about white blisters on your head while breastfeeding

White blisters on the head during breastfeeding are considered to be folliculitis, boils, prickly heat, etc., and need to be treated according to the specific cause of the symptoms, including enhanced nursing care, medication and so on.
1. Folliculitis: Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicle caused by bacteria entering the skin, mainly manifested as a red papule centered on the hair follicle, sometimes topped with a white pustule, if the symptoms are mild and the number of small, usually do not need special treatment, can subside by itself. If the symptoms are more serious, you can apply chlorhexidine gluconate solution, mupirocin ointment and so on.
2. Boils: aggravated folliculitis can lead to acute suppurative inflammation of the deep surrounding tissues, appearing as pea-sized nodules with yellowish-white pus heads in the center, some of which can be dislodged by themselves or broken, and do not need treatment. But some of the symptoms are serious, need to incise and drain, and oral antibiotic drugs, such as cefuroxime, cefaclor.
3. Prickly heat: In summer, the weather is hot and sweating is more, if the sweat ducts are blocked, prickly heat will appear. This situation is mainly to cool the skin, you should choose the right clothes, and pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the room, generally after cooling prickly heat will soon disappear.
White blisters on the head during breastfeeding may also be caused by other reasons. It is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, after the cause is clear, standardized treatment, the above drugs should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

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