Can tangerine red dispel phlegm-dampness?

Tangerine red can dispel phlegm-dampness. Tangerine red is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of drying dampness and resolving phlegm (removing phlegm from the body by drying dampness), so it can be used to dispel phlegm-dampness. Tangerine red drug source for the rue family plant orange and its cultivated varieties of the dry outer layer of the rind, its flavor is pungent, bitter, warm; to the lungs, the spleen meridian, has the qi and broad (regulating the qi of the spleen and stomach), dry dampness phlegm efficacy can be used for the lungs, cold, coughing and phlegm, food stagnation (that is, stagnation caused by injury to the food), injury to the wine (that is, the excessive consumption of alcohol caused by the disease), nausea and vomiting, chest and epigastric plagiarism, and other evidence of the treatment of the disease. It should be noted that, tangerine red flavor pungent and warm, can deplete the gas and injure the fluid, so the yin deficiency dry cough and qi deficiency should not be used, the specific use should also be under the guidance of a physician to identify the evidence, not blindly use their own Chinese herbs.

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