What is the dietary treatment for patients with atherosclerosis?

  1, cold condensation blocking type can often take peach kernel porridge, black fungus drink, two son mountain chicken stew (codonopsis, wolfberry).  2, heat and Yin type can often take snow pear syrup, watermelon tender skin decoction Dihuang porridge, hawthorn decoction and other foods to reduce blood lipids, soothe blood vessels.  3, the four seasons of conditioning in the spring of Yang Qi, the diet should be light, especially the elderly should eat Coix Seed Mountain jujube porridge, yellow essence, angelica, silver fungus and other products that strengthen the spleen and kidney to lower lipids and blood.  4, the hot summer, available some slightly cool, beneficial products, such as rhizome chrysanthemum tea, mung bean soup, silver fungus, bananas, hawthorn drink, etc., can soften blood vessels, but also beneficial to the spleen.  5, autumn, dryness prevails, easy to hurt the fluids, it is appropriate to take nourishing Yin and benefit Qi and blood products, such as lily of the valley, hawthorn porridge, yucca steamed chicken, yellow essence decoction, sea cucumber and angelica porridge, etc.  6, winter is generally the best time to take tonic, should be based on physical evidence of supplementation, do not make up too much, otherwise it will lead to congestion, it is appropriate to use ginseng chicken juice porridge, astragalus shouwu decoction, lotus seeds poria decoction, snapper stewed angelica and other products that nourish the kidneys and benefit the blood.

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