Can taking eugenol cause a low heart rate?

Taking Eugenol does not cause low heart rate. The generic name of Eugenol is Levothyroxine Tablets, which is a drug for treating hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which there is too little thyroid hormone in the body, and the patient will experience low metabolism, such as slow heart rate, fatigue, and mucous membrane edema. After treatment, thyroxine will be replenished in the body and thyroid function will be restored, these symptoms will be reduced and heart rate will return to normal. Levothyroxine tablets itself does not cause heart rate slowing, causing low heart rate may be the cause of hypothyroidism this disease. When taking Levothyroxine tablets for the initial treatment of hypothyroidism, patients need to start with a small dose, and also regularly review the thyroid function and adjust the dose of the drug according to the thyroid function. In the course of treatment, if overdose is taken, symptoms similar to hyperthyroidism may occur, such as tachycardia, eating too much, fast hunger, irritability, etc. When such a situation occurs, the thyroid function needs to be rechecked and the dosage needs to be reduced. Levothyroxine Tablets are prescription medications and are recommended to be used in accordance with medical advice.

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