Can you apply floral water during breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding period can avoid the breast proper application of some flower water. The proper application of some flower water during breastfeeding can quickly stop the itch, effectively preventing mothers and babies from being bitten by mosquitoes, as well as refreshing the role of the brain. However, it is not recommended to apply floral water to the breast as it contains alcohol, so as to avoid the baby sucking on the breast milk, indirectly ingesting alcohol, which is not conducive to the growth and development of the baby’s brain. Moreover, eau de cologne contains more flavorings, the taste is more pungent, applying too much may cause discomfort to the baby, and even affect the baby’s sense of smell development. Breastfeeding women should be careful in choosing their diet and daily necessities to avoid harmful substances being secreted to the child through breastfeeding, causing damage to the child’s growth and development, and consult a doctor if they feel unwell.

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