I want to poop but I can’t. I want to throw up but I can’t. What’s wrong?

Want to pull and can not pull out want to vomit and can not vomit out may be physiological reasons, may also be acute gastroenteritis, intestinal obstruction and other pathological causes. 1. Physiological reasons: such as eating too much cold, spicy food, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, there can be nausea, want to vomit and can not vomit, want to vomit and can not come out of the symptoms. 2. Acute gastroenteritis: Inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa occurs due to bacterial and viral infections caused by eating unclean food. Inflammation stimulates the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which accelerates the peristalsis of the intestinal tract, resulting in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and the urge to vomit, which does not necessarily result in the discharge of feces, and vomiting does not necessarily result in vomiting. 3. Intestinal obstruction: various kinds of fecaliths, foreign bodies, parasites and so on lead to intestinal obstruction, food, feces downward discharge is blocked, there may be nausea, want to pull but not come out, no defecation for many days, and stop defecation. If the symptoms of wanting to poop but can’t, wanting to vomit but can’t, after ruling out physiological causes, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor’s treatment.

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