Nutritional Analysis of Durian

Durian is rich in sugar, a variety of vitamins and minerals, and ranks high in calories among fruits.
Durian is a high-calorie tropical fruit. According to the Chinese Food Composition Table, every 100 grams of durian contains 28.3 grams of carbohydrates, 3.3 grams of fat, 2.6 grams of protein, and as much as 150 calories, making it a high-sugar, high-calorie fruit.
It contains many vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin B₂, niacin, vitamin C and potassium. Each 100 grams of durian contains 2.28 mg of vitamin E, vitamin B₂ 0.13 mg, potassium 261 mg.
Daily fruit should be consumed in moderation, the recommended daily intake of 200~350 grams, diabetic patients with unstable blood glucose control is not recommended to consume durian.

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