Effects of Hepatite

Hepatolactone, also known as glucuronolactone tablets, is mainly used for patients with viral hepatitis, or patients with liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. For some patients with food poisoning and drug poisoning, Hepatel can also be taken for active detoxification treatment. The active ingredients in Hepatella can bind to certain toxic substances and then be excreted in the urine or feces, which has a detoxifying effect. For patients with poor liver function, the patient’s liver function will appear in the glutathione, glutamic oxalacetic aminotransferase elevation, for some patients, may also appear total bilirubin elevation, at this time, if the patient is viral hepatitis, combined with glutathione, glutamic oxalacetic aminotransferase elevation, we should actively consider blood testing hepatitis B DNA and hepatitis C RNA, to see whether the patient’s virus replication, if the virus has replication, we should If the virus has replicated, you should consider taking hepatocyte, while actively antiviral treatment, you can consider oral antiviral drugs, you can also consider injecting interferon for active antiviral treatment. The patient should pay attention to more rest and try to pay attention not to stay up late during the medication, especially pay attention not to drink alcohol.

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