How a good man donated his liver to save his father?

  One day at the end of March 2006, 33-year-old Zou Fangming suddenly received a phone call from his sister from Inner Mongolia, saying that his father’s liver cancer had recurred again and was in a very bad position, and if no effective measures were taken, he would only have 3-6 months to live. The doctor suggested that to prolong life, it is best to do a liver transplant.  The father, Zou Zhigeng, 59, is a cadre of the Chifeng City Prosecutor’s Office in Inner Mongolia. liver lesions were discovered during a physical examination in June 2002, and soon Zou Zhigeng was diagnosed with liver cancer by the Shanghai Oriental Liver and Gallbladder Hospital. After treatment the results were good, but a year and a half later, cancer cells were found in other parts of the liver and a resection was done. This time, his father’s illness further deteriorated, fearing that it was fatal. Zou Fangming’s heart fell to the bottom at once.  After careful consideration, he decided to donate his liver to save his father Zou Fangming is the backbone of the family, in addition to his parents in his hometown, there is a sister. He and his wife just settled in Beijing, there is a two-year-old son, this sudden blow really caught him off guard.  Zou Fangming first inquired about the relevant dedicated medical websites, and then traveled non-stop to the well-known major liver disease hospitals across the country. At the same time, he did not miss any hospital in Beijing that could do liver transplantation.  Zhu Jiye, deputy director of the hepatobiliary department of Beijing People’s Hospital, received countless patients and families, but his first meeting with Zou Fangming is still fresh in his mind. It was a day in early April 2006 when a tall, elegant young man came to his office in a hurry and said to him, “Doctor, I’m here to consult about my father’s liver transplant. ” A series of questions made Zhu Jiye feel that the young man in front of him was very professional, and he answered his questions carefully: “According to the patient’s condition it is true that he needs to have a liver transplant immediately, but the hospital does not have a matching liver source yet. If surgery, etc. is needed, the cost is about 300,000 yuan. In general a living liver transplant works better than a posthumous liver transplant, but the donor needs to be provided by a relative and also has to be an absolute match for the recipient.”  In early April, Zou Zhigeng came to Beijing accompanied by his wife and daughter, who brought with them more than 100,000 yuan in savings. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The family’s desperation, ready to do a last ditch effort.  On April 10, Zou Fangming almost simultaneously received a notice from two hospitals, telling them that the liver source had been found.  Zou Fangming rushed to the first hospital and found that the donor’s blood type was type A, which did not match his father’s AB blood type. Zou Fangming consulted with the doctor and learned that the same blood type people transplant each other as the best solution, but the doctor advised: “Now the liver source is very tight, can find has been very difficult, and how the post-operative effect, how long can maintain who can not say.” Zou Fangming hesitated, he stubbornly believed that to do the best, and finally declined the hospital’s kindness. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.  The decision of Zou Fangming was unanimously opposed by his family, “It’s not easy to find a liver source, why give up so easily?” Zou Fangming replied firmly: “To do the best, not digging flesh to fill the sore, demolishing the east wall to fill the west wall, not hoping that his father’s disease temporarily improved, but completely cured.”  On April 20, after careful consideration, Zou Zhigeng was admitted to the People’s Hospital of Peking University.  At this time Zou Zhigeng’s condition further deteriorated, more and more thin, often nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, the vital signs are not as good as before, and accompanied by pain in the liver and low-grade fever …… watching his father’s increasing weakness, Zou Fangming heart like a knife, his father’s life has entered the countdown, the situation is critical, absolutely can not drag on.   There was such a person who loved his son as much as he loved himself, that person gave him life and gave him much love and support without words! That person was his beloved father. Now that his father is in danger, how can he stand by and do nothing? “I want to donate my liver for my father, I want to use my liver to save my father’s dying life, even at the cost of my life!” Zou Fangming made up his mind.  In fact, as early as six months ago, when his father’s liver cancer began to deteriorate, this bold idea began to hit Zou Fangming’s heart. Since then, Zou Fangming began to quit smoking and limit alcohol. And now, the idea has come to fruition and is unstoppable!  The main doctor of Zou Zhigeng later also became the main doctor of Zou Fangming, Dr. Huang Lei, learned that Zou Fangming to do a living liver transplant for his father, he was used to seeing life and death, he could not help but feel a lot of emotion. He invited Zou Fangming to his office and said solemnly, “As a fellow physician, I admire your act of charity. But as a doctor, I also have a responsibility to truthfully inform patients about the risks of living liver transplantation ……” The risk of living liver transplantation is 200%, because there is a possibility that the donor will die and the recipient will not be saved, and both will lose, which is like a disaster for a family. Secondly, there have only been 50 to 60 live liver transplants in China so far, and the vast majority of them are parents transplanting their children, the children’s livers are small and often a small half is cut for the recipient. The father’s weight is 70 kilograms, calculated at 1%, Zou Fangming at least 700 to 800 grams of liver to his father, which will account for more than 3/5 of his liver, which means that Zou Fangming to bear the risk of ordinary people can not bear.  Zou Fangming calmly listened, he deeply understand Dr. Huang Lei’s intentions and responsibilities, but he was determined, in order to his father, he was willing to take the risk, even if nine lives are at stake.  The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.  With persistence to do through the family thought work However, Zou Fangming just the idea of liver transplantation out, that is, his wife’s strong opposition: “Have you thought about it, in case you die or become a vegetable how to do? What about this family? This family needs you! I can’t live without you! Our son is only two years old!” “We are not allowed to hesitate anymore. If an accident happens then count me unlucky and resign myself to fate. We no longer have a choice!”  The most important thing is to know the husband as the wife, Zou Fangming agreed that there is nothing that can not be done. She loves this great strong man, every important decision in life, she has no regrets to comply with the wishes of Zou Fangming. Finally, she gently told Zou Fangming: “I support you! I will always support you! Just, I’m so scared ……” When the mother heard that her son was going to donate more than half of his liver, tears gushed out like a flood that broke the bank. On the one hand, her husband, who has been with her for decades, and on the other hand, her son, who is considered a pillar of life, could not lose her husband and take her son, which is the most unbearable thing in her life.  But the mother from the bottom of her heart is to believe in her son, her son is a very opinionated, a bold and capable man, he is never a moment of recklessness and impulsiveness.  At 9 a.m. on May 6, Zou Fangming came to his father’s hospital bed. The father half leaning on the bed, greeted Zou Fangming sit down. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. “What?” The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. Absolutely not! This surgery I will not do!” The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. “The actual fact is that you can’t be able to use your liver, it’s simply killing you, I’m old enough to care, but you’re still young! Zou Zhigeng shouted at his son in a hoarse voice. “The liver has a strong regenerative capacity, and in less than a year my liver will grow into its present form.” Zou Fangming instantly fell to his knees in front of his father, tears streaming down his face, “Dad, we just want to keep you from dying. The good days have just begun, you have not yet enjoyed the blessings of the son!” Zou Zhigeng sobbed and said, “Good boy, Dad knows you filial piety, but you are using your own life to exchange for Dad’s life ah!” Zou Fangming said firmly: “Dad, not a life against a life, is a life for two lives, is to save the life of the whole family!”  After doing the work of the father’s mind, Zou Fangming and his wife came to the doctor’s duty room, Zou Fangming in his father’s surgery sheet, his wife in Zou Fangming’s surgery sheet solemnly signed their names.  Successful surgery, filial piety moved heaven and earth 8:30 am on May 7, Zou Fangming was pushed into the operating room, he extended his right hand to his family to make a victory gesture, he believes that as long as there is love will be able to create a miracle!  At 9 o’clock, the father and son’s surgery began at the same time. It was a long surgery, and the People’s Hospital was equipped with the best equipment and doctors. Zou Fangming’s surgery was expected to take 5-6 hours, but it turned out to take 11 hours, while his father Zou Zhigeng’s surgery lasted for 14 hours.  In the early morning of May 8, 3/5 of Zou Fangming’s liver was successfully transplanted to his father Zou Zhigeng. Thus, the country’s first case of living liver transplantation by a junior for an elder was declared a success!  Zou Fangming’s first words when he woke up were, “How is his father?” Although all he got from the medical staff was the good news that his father was safe, he was still very worried, and he was afraid that it was a well-intentioned lie. It wasn’t until the afternoon when Zou Fangming was wheeled from the intensive care unit to the general ward that the medical staff made it a point to let Zou Fangming take a look at his father, “Dad, you’re fine, right? I’m going back to the ward!” The father responded with, “Don’t worry, I’m fine too!” The father’s voice was full of strength and joy, and for a moment, Zou Fangming felt a great sense of relief, and tears filled his eyes all at once. All the efforts are not in vain, heaven and earth have mercy, into the heart of Zou Fangming’s fist!  May 15, removed a variety of tubes, Zou Fangming can finally get out of bed. He came to the intensive care unit in front of his father’s bed, his father took his son’s hand and could not help but tear up. “Son, Dad is sorry for you!” “Dad, you must live well, this is the best repayment for us!” The hands of father and son held together for a long, long time, the communication between father and son does not need more words.  And now, Zou’s father and son are recovering very well. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. Zou Fangming said: “After this test of life and death, the family is more united, the understanding of kinship is also deeper. The pain itself is wealth, so big hurdles have come through, what else to fear?”

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