How long does it take for the lungs to finish draining tar when you quit smoking

After quitting smoking, due to metabolism, the tar in the body will be excreted slowly with urine, or it can be converted and excreted through the liver pathway, but it is impossible to be completely excreted. Smoking is more harmful to the human body, in which the smoke tar in the cigarette enters the lungs and will accumulate in the alveoli for a long time, thus affecting lung function. Some of the tar may also be combined with fat cells and deposited in the body, making it difficult to excrete. It is well known that tar is one of the main causes of lung cancer, and the longer and more often you smoke, the more tar you have in your body and the harder it is to get rid of it. Therefore, smoking is the most preventable and the largest disease-related risk factor in the world. After quitting smoking, both nicotine and tar are slowly excreted from the body, greatly reducing the prevalence of the disease. After quitting smoking, patients are advised to drink more water in daily life, actively participate in outdoor activities, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to help speed up their metabolism.

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