Can you cut and drain a pustule pimple?

Pustular pimples are usually referred to as folliculitis. If pustular pimples have abscess formation can be incised and drained, without abscess formation is not feasible to incise and drain the operation. Folliculitis is a purulent inflammation that occurs in and around the hair follicles, often manifested as red papules in the early stages, and then gradually pus is formed, i.e., “pustules”, and the treatment includes general treatment, anti-infective treatment, and surgical treatment. It is generally believed that the degree of mild folliculitis can keep the skin locally clean, local skin redness, swelling, heat, pain symptoms are obvious, can be used externally with erythromycin ointment or mupirocin ointment anti-infection treatment. When there is abscess formation, the feasibility of incision and drainage treatment, without abscess formation is not feasible incision and drainage operation. The pustule acne is recommended to go to the hospital in time, the above drugs need to follow the doctor’s instructions to use.

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