What are the symptoms of pregnancy reversal

Pregnancy reaction usually includes symptoms such as menopause, nausea, breast swelling and pain, etc. Due to the different conditions of the body, the degree of reaction may also vary, and it is recommended to pay attention to it in time. 1. Cessation of menstruation: Cessation of menstruation is an important symptom of pregnancy, and is also an important reference for the detection of pregnancy. 2. Nausea: Nausea and vomiting may occur during pregnancy, usually more serious in the morning, which may affect daily life. 3. Breast swelling and pain: during pregnancy, women will have a large change in hormone levels, estrogen levels increase to produce some stimulation of the body, which can cause severe breast swelling and pain. If the symptoms of anti-pregnancy are not relieved during pregnancy or accompanied by other symptoms, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner to clarify the cause and then give targeted treatment.

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