Which is more effective, a compounded cypress liquid application or iodophor for rotting foreskin?

Topical antiseptic medications such as compound cypress solution and povidone-iodine are equally effective for bacterial infections such as phimosis; if they are caused by diseases such as penile cancer, they are ineffective alone. Foreskin ulcers may be caused by prepuce infection, sexually transmitted diseases such as noma, or penile cancer. Medicines such as compound cypress liquid application and povidone-iodine can be used to disinfect skin and mucous membrane wounds. For ulcers caused by diseases such as circumcision, the above medications can be used for local cleansing. Currently there is no authoritative clinical literature on the two effects of the comparison, the two indications are similar to the effect is comparable. However, it is necessary to avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the urethra, and if local redness, swelling, pain and other adverse reactions occur, it is necessary to stop using the drug and consult a doctor. For sexually transmitted diseases such as noma and penile cancer, the effect of external anti-inflammatory drugs alone is not good, and it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for treatment of the primary disease. It is recommended that a physician be consulted before the use of medicines such as compounded cypress liquid application and povidone-iodine.

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