What to pay attention to in infertility in general

  What is infertility?  Infertility refers to a condition in which a married couple has a normal sexual life and has not conceived after living together without contraception for 2 years. In recent years, the incidence of infertility is higher. Modern medicine believes that the causes of this disease are mainly the following three: 1. congenital abnormalities in genital development or acquired genital lesions, which prevent the smoothness and function of the reproductive tract from the vulva to the fallopian tubes, thus preventing the union of sperm and egg and causing infertility, which is the main cause of female infertility.  2. Ovulation dysfunction, mainly manifested as no ovulation in the menstrual cycle, or although there is ovulation, the luteal function is still incompetent after ovulation.  3. Sexual dysfunction, lack of sexual knowledge, systemic diseases and unknown factors cause about 1/3 of the causes of infertility. 4. Immunological factors refer to the presence of anti-sperm antibodies in the female reproductive tract or serum, resulting in sperm agglutination, loss of vitality or death, triggering infertility. In addition, some infertile women have antibody-like substances against their own egg zona pellucida in their serum, which can prevent sperm from crossing the egg for fertilization and can also cause infertility.  The causes of infertility are complex and often reflect a combination of various disorders of the reproductive system and concern both spouses, so a detailed examination must be performed to find the cause. In general, the most basic tests include male semen analysis, female ovulation test and tubal examination, female endocrine and immunological tests, as well as endometrial and pelvic examination. Patients should fully communicate with the doctor, draw up a treatment plan, and then cooperate with the doctor’s examination and treatment step by step, without being in a hurry.  Active treatment of complications 1. Western medical treatment: Infertility caused by tubal factors or pelvic factors, such as tubal obstruction caused by pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic adhesions caused by endometriosis, can affect the union of sperm and egg and prevent conception. Laparoscopic or hysteroscopic combined with laparoscopic treatment can be performed to eliminate pelvic lesions and repair the fallopian tubes.  2. Chinese medicine treatment Chinese medicine believes that “the kidney is the master of reproduction” and attaches importance to tonifying kidney yin and kidney yang to help pregnancy. Patients with decreased ovarian reserve capacity and premature ovarian failure mostly suffer from kidney yin deficiency and are often accompanied by liver depression or blood stasis; while patients with polycystic ovary syndrome often have phlegm-dampness or liver fire, and are often weak in spleen and kidney.  Symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, thick and yellow leucorrhea, abdominal distension and pain, lumbosacral pain, etc., are often identified by Chinese medicine as qi stagnation and blood stasis, dampness and heat or liver depression and qi stagnation.  3.Family care Keep your mood relaxed and calm, improve your psychological ability and build up your confidence so as to facilitate pregnancy. Eat a light and nutritious diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and less cold, spicy, greasy, foreign fast food, convenience food, drinks, tobacco and alcohol. Exercise properly, maintain proper weight, and enhance physical fitness. During the period of medication, measure the basal body temperature and have intercourse before and after the ovulation period, most of them can receive satisfactory results.

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