Fear of heat and excessive sweating is a Yin or Qi deficiency

Fear of heat sweating qi deficiency, yin deficiency can be caused, the specific should be a professional physician to determine the four diagnostic reference. According to Chinese medicine, qi is able to consolidate the body’s fluids, and under normal circumstances, no abnormal sweating will occur. In the case of qi deficiency, the qi’s ability to regulate (consolidate) is weakened, and the body’s fluids are not regulated in warm environments or after a little bit of activity, making it easy for excessive sweating to occur. In the case of Qi deficiency, there may also be a fear of heat. Excessive sweating in conditions of qi deficiency is usually accompanied by shortness of breath and laziness, low voice and faint breath. Sweating abnormalities under Yin deficiency are usually night sweats (abnormal sweating after going to sleep and stopping after waking up). Excessive sweating in conditions of yin deficiency is usually accompanied by hot flashes (bursts of heat), zygomatic redness (reddish coloring of the cheeks and zygomatic bones), and warmth in the hearts of the hands and feet. If the patient has any related discomfort, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for a clear diagnosis and standardized treatment as prescribed by the doctor.

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