The fastest way for girls to recover from hunchback

Hunchback mostly due to the spine convexity of a disease, because each patient’s condition is different, so the treatment is not the same, so there is no one fastest way to recover from the treatment of girls hunchback. Clinical need to give patients specific conditions to give general treatment, drug treatment and surgical treatment to recover. 1. General treatment: for patients whose hunchbacks are not serious, they can be corrected by means of exercise, such as participating in swimming, hanging the bar and other sports to increase the muscle strength of the convex part, which will gradually return to normal; special orthopedic braces can be used for orthopedic purposes. 2. Drug treatment: for patients with back pain or ankylosing spondylitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can be given to treat the hump; osteoporosis caused by the hump, need to be given to calcitonin and other drugs for treatment; spinal tuberculosis caused by the hump can be given to the patient with anti-tuberculosis drugs such as rifampicin treatment. 3. Surgical treatment: common spinal osteotomy is the most effective treatment, but not all patients can take this operation, such as osteoporosis patients, the function of organs is not complete, the primary disease is not controlled. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital, improve the auxiliary examination, clear the cause of the disease, the professional physician combined with the patient’s condition to give the appropriate treatment, the drug also needs to be used under the guidance of a professional physician.

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