What to do if you have lines on your calves

There are lines on the calf may be excessive weight gain caused by obesity lines, you can use polysulfonic acid mucopolysaccharide cream coated with lightening, may also be a symptom of ichthyosis, you can use moisturizing cream coated to remove. 1. Obesity lines: if the recent weight change is relatively large, the skin overstretching will have epidermal dermal fibrous tissue fracture, thus leading to the emergence of obesity lines, obesity lines have no effect on human health, the patient’s weight can be restored to normal after weight loss. Patients can use polysulfonic acid mucopolysaccharide cream coated, and massage the surrounding skin, can be very good to lighten the obesity lines. 2. Ichthyosis: patients with lines on the calves, and have dry or flaky skin, considering ichthyosis, you can use pumice stone to wipe the skin during the bath to remove the scaly flakes on the skin surface, and apply moisturizing cream or emollient cream, such as urea ointment, after the bath. Patients with lines on the calf are advised to go to a regular hospital to do a checkup, and then do targeted treatment, usually drink more water, eat a light diet, eat more vitamin-rich foods, keep the skin moist. Drugs need to be used in accordance with medical advice.

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