Why do you have diarrhea after drinking soybean soup?

Diarrhea after drinking soybean soup may be normal, or it may be an allergy to soybeans. If you have chronic enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal masses and other diseases, you can also have diarrhea symptoms. 1. Normal phenomenon: soybean belongs to gas-producing food, can be digested in the intestinal tract in the production of certain gases, triggering diarrhea, bloating, farting and so on. 2. Allergic reaction: soybean contains a lot of protein, such as protein allergy can have diarrhea, bloating, fever, rash and other symptoms. 3. other diseases: there may be a combination of other diseases, such as chronic enteritis can also have diarrhea, abdominal distension, mucus stools or pus and blood stools and other symptoms; such as irritable bowel syndrome can also have abdominal distension, increased exhaust, and other symptoms; such as intestinal mass can also have weight loss, loss of appetite and other symptoms. For the cause of diarrhea after drinking soybean soup, it is recommended to consult a doctor for clarification in conjunction with medical history, symptoms and auxiliary examinations.

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