What does cervical biopsy CIN1 mean?

Cervical biopsy reveals CIN1, which is a mild cervical precancerous lesion that has been changed to a low grade lesion, and this low grade lesion is the mildest change in the cervical lesion. If a colposcopic biopsy taken from the surface of the cervix reveals this lesion, it is best to perform further cervical canal scraping to see if there are any high grade lesions in the cervical canal. If a high-grade lesion is found in the cervical canal, even if a cervical biopsy reveals CIN1, conization of the cervix should be done. If low grade lesions are found in the cervical canal, even if there is no problem or chronic cervicitis, and a cervical biopsy reveals CIN1 in this case, you can choose physical therapy, or no therapy, or medication. If there is a requirement for childbirth, it is recommended to review after childbirth. If there is no requirement for childbirth, you can choose conservative treatment with medication or physical therapy or cervical laparoscopy.

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