Is esophageal diverticulum a major surgery

Esophageal diverticulum is not considered a major surgery if interventional treatment is performed, which is usually taken as gastroscopic intervention, while some patients may need open surgical treatment, which is considered a major surgery. Esophageal diverticulum causes obvious symptoms, for example, when swallowing food, because of food retention and lead to neck pressure, or produce swallowing difficulties, need to remove the diverticulum, the clinical often take is minimally invasive surgery, in minimally invasive endoscopic interventional surgical treatment, most of the time are simple resection surgery, is not considered to be a major surgery, the patient’s recovery is relatively fast after surgery. However, there are a few patients who take gastroscopic intervention surgery, the treatment effect is not good or the condition is more serious, may need to take open surgery to remove the esophagus, the operation is relatively large. Esophageal diverticulum must cooperate with the doctor to take treatment, if the surgical treatment is taken, pay attention to the postoperative care, especially pay attention to observe whether there is bleeding phenomenon.

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