What if the kid keeps throwing up?

Children have been vomiting may be associated with improper diet, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, etc., mainly to drug treatment, while paying attention to the usual care.
1. Improper diet: the child’s improper diet, eat unclean food, overfeeding and so on may cause vomiting, you can give the child the use of probiotics to regulate the stomach and intestines, such as bacillus subtilis bacillus granules, etc., and at the same time need to pay attention to the usual balanced diet, eat light and easy to digest food.
2. Gastroenteritis: generally caused by bacterial or viral infections, vomiting can occur, may also be accompanied by diarrhea, such as bacterial infections, you can use antimicrobial drugs such as cefixime granules; viral infections are self-limiting, symptomatic treatment is the main, has been vomiting can be given to the vitamin B6 antiemetic, but also oral rehydration salts to prevent dehydration, oral probiotics, such as bifidobacteria to regulate the intestinal tract.
3. appendicitis: in the appendicitis attack may appear vomiting phenomenon, if it is mild, generally can use medication, such as cefixime particles anti-infection, if the more serious need for surgical treatment to alleviate the symptoms.
It is recommended that the child has been vomiting to take the child to the hospital to complete the relevant examination, identify the cause of treatment under the guidance of the doctor. The above medications should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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