How to do a cervical biopsy

  Cervical biopsy is the most reliable basis to confirm the diagnosis of cervical cancer. Cervical biopsy refers to biopsy of the cervix, i.e. removing one or several pieces of cervical tissue of 0.2cm-0.3cm from the cervix for pathological examination, so as to determine the diagnosis and treatment method, which is usually used for suspicious cancer of the cervix or suspicious cells in cervical scrapings.  1.Multi-point sampling: Routinely disinfect the vulva and use special biopsy forceps to clip the tissue at 3, 6, 9 and 12 points of the cervical squamous epithelial junction, or at the unstained area of iodine staining, or at the white epithelium of acetic acid test, or clip the suspicious tissue under colposcopy. The specimen taken includes part of the healthy tissue, and several more specimens are taken where there is a suspicious lesion.  2. The site where the biopsy is taken is prone to bleeding and should be compressed with cotton balls to stop the bleeding after taking the material.  3, If cervical biopsy must be taken during pregnancy, it needs to be taken in hospital to prevent bleeding, and this test is not usually done during pregnancy.  Do not have intercourse for one month after the cervical biopsy examination, and try not to eat cold, spicy and stimulating food. Take oral anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent infection under the guidance of the doctor. Go to the hospital promptly for examination when bleeding or odorous discharge occurs. The next step of treatment will be carried out after the pathology results are available.

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