Does it help to drink laxatives for a colonoscopy?

Drinking laxatives before doing colonoscopy is useful, laxatives can empty the intestines, which is conducive to a clear vision during the examination, so as to better observe whether there are lesions in the intestines. If you suffer from intestinal obstruction or ischemic bowel disease, it is not suitable to drink laxatives, usually choose enema.
Colonoscopy is an examination method in which an electronic endoscope is inserted into the intestine from the anus to visualize colorectal lesions. Bowel preparation should be done before the colonoscopy, the bowel should be emptied by taking oral laxatives, and a liquid diet should be taken the day before the examination.
Usually some laxatives are used the night before the colonoscopy to help with bowel movements, and some bowel cleansing medications are needed 4 hours before the colonoscopy to make the intestines cleaner, and commonly used medications include polyethylene glycol electrolyte bulk, mannitol, and so on. If the intestinal cleansing is not thorough, it may lead to unclear diagnosis, which is not conducive to treatment.
In addition, patients also need to take oral simethicone emulsion one day before or in the morning of the same day of the colonoscopy to remove the gas in the intestines to facilitate the examination and treatment of colonoscopy. If taking aspirin and other anticoagulant drugs need to stop taking drugs for a week before performing colonoscopy.
The examination should be conducted under the supervision of a physician.

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