What to do about the abnormal signal of the right posterior cervical medulla at the C5 level of the cervical spine?

Abnormal signal of the right posterior cervical medulla at the level of C5 of cervical vertebrae is to find the lesion which is different from the normal cancellous bone, and the common causes are cervical vertebrae contusion, cervical vertebrae benign or malignant tumors, and bone infections, etc. It is necessary to give the general treatment, medication, physical therapy, and surgery according to the cause of the disease.
1. Cervical spine contusion: when the cervical vertebrae are contused, the pain symptoms can be relieved by resting for 2 to 3 weeks. In addition, drugs such as Yunnan Baiyao and ibuprofen delayed-release capsules can be taken orally under the guidance of the doctor to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis and to fight inflammation and analgesia. Physical therapy such as local baking and hot compresses can also be carried out.
2. Benign and malignant tumors of cervical vertebrae: if benign tumors, surgical resection can be given; if malignant tumors, surgical resection can be given at an early stage, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be given.
3. Bone infection: Bone infection can be given antibiotic treatment, such as amoxicillin, ampicillin; at the same time, surgery can be given to remove the lesion.
Pay attention to rest, maintain a relaxed mood, avoid spicy and stimulating food, and exercise the cervical spine more often. If there are uncomfortable symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to clarify the cause of the disease and to carry out targeted treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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