What is the most effective way to deal with eye pain

Eye pain needs to be treated according to the specific cause in order to relieve the most effective, may be physiological factors, dry eye, conjunctivitis, granuloma and other causes, different causes, treatment methods are different, mainly general treatment, medication and so on.
1. Physiological factors: If the eye pain is caused by frequent late nights, poor rest, or excessive eye fatigue, usually no special intervention is needed. It is recommended to use the eyes reasonably, pay more attention to rest, and avoid staying up late, which will help to relieve the symptoms gradually.
2. Dry eye: If the eye pain is caused by dry eye, you can apply sodium vitrate eye drops, polyvinyl alcohol eye drops and other artificial tears for treatment, you can also choose to apply therapeutic wet room lenses, corneal contact lenses to be adjusted.
3. Conjunctivitis: If the eye pain is caused by conjunctivitis, eye medicines such as tobramycin drops, ofloxacin drops or ganciclovir drops can be applied, and the medicines need to be selected according to the type of germs.
4. Wheat grain swelling: If the eye pain is caused by wheat grain swelling, you can apply gentamycin eye ointment, tobramycin eye drops and other antibiotic eye medicines, if the pain symptoms are serious, you need to apply ibuprofen, acetaminophen and other anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
Eye pain, exclude physiological factors, should seek medical attention as soon as possible, after the cause is clear, give targeted treatment. It should be noted that the drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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