Can Xiangsha Nourishing Stomach Pills be taken with Spleen Enhancement Pills?

Xiangsha Nourishing Stomach Pill and the spleen pill does not contain contraindications, theoretically can be taken together, but the two have a common drug, in order to avoid excessive dosage, the patient should still follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication. 1. Xiangsha Stomach Pill is composed of wood, sand, atractylodes, ginger, Poria, and adenophora, etc. The effect is to warm the stomach (warming the spleen and stomach, harmonizing the stomach and internal organs), used for gastric pain caused by gastric yang insufficiency, dampness obstruction and stagnation of qi (due to the obstruction of dampness leading to the human body qi is not smooth), plagiarism (stomach distension), symptomatic pain in the stomach, stomach boring, uncomfortable, vomiting acid, not think of food, limb fatigue, etc. Adverse effects and contraindications of this drug are not yet known, but they are still not suitable for use. The adverse effects and contraindications of this drug are not clear. During the period of taking the medicine, the diet should be light, avoiding alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food, avoiding anger, depression, and maintaining a relaxed mood. It is not suitable for patients with cold and fever. 2. Spleen Enhancement Pill is composed of Codonopsis Pilosulae, Citrus Aurantium Citri Reticulatae, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Malt, Atractylodes Macrocephalae, and Crataegus Macrocephalae, and is used for treating weakness of the spleen and stomach, distension and fullness of the abdomen, and loose stools (scanty and unshaped feces). The adverse effects and contraindications of this medicine are not known. Avoid eating cold, greasy and indigestible food while taking this medicine. This medicine is not suitable for acute enteritis with diarrhea, mainly characterized by abdominal pain, frequent watery stools and fever. It is also not suitable for patients with dry mouth, tongue with little fluid, or fever in the hands and feet, bloating in the epigastrium, and lack of desire for food and drink. The above instructions indicate that “if you are using other drugs, consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product”. It is recommended that patients seek medical attention in a timely manner, follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication, should not be unauthorized concurrent use of medication, in order to avoid delays in the condition.

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