Can 8-month-old babies eat shrimp

8 months generally recommended 12 months before eating shrimp and crab seafood allergenic, early consumption of easy allergies. 8 months can supplement some puree, puree, small pieces of fruit pieces, chopped vegetables and so on, shrimp and crab food can be added a little later. Shrimp contains rich nutrients, including protein and amino acids, magnesium content, and shrimp calcium is also rich, can promote the development of the baby’s bones, but the baby will have intolerance or allergies to new foods, so parents try to add to the baby after 12 months. Parents need to pay attention to the baby to add new foods, from one to many, from less to more regular, step by step to add, and need to observe the first time to add shrimp to the baby, whether there is a rash, itching and so on, if there is any abnormality should be timely medical treatment.

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