What are the symptoms of a clogged capillary toe?

Capillary blockage is mostly seen in diabetes and other conditions, this is the patient’s peripheral circulation is poor, easy to capillary blockage, resulting in the symptoms of the toes are mostly manifested in the color of bruises, swelling and pain, numbness, longer history of the patient, there may be toe ulcers. After the blockage of capillaries, the blood supply at the end of the body is insufficient, and blood return obstruction may also occur. As a result, the patient’s toes tend to be blue in color and painful and swollen. Due to the obstruction of blood circulation in the toes, nerve damage can also be induced, resulting in numbness, which is often characterized by a pins and needles sensation. In addition, patients with a long history of the disease, toe tissue ulceration and other manifestations can occur. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital as soon as possible, through the examination of the patient’s current specific conditions, targeted to improve blood circulation medication, patients with serious conditions, need to go to a regular hospital, follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment, if necessary, surgical treatment.

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