How is the bone splitting technique with simultaneous implant placement used in the aesthetic restoration of maxillary anterior teeth?

  Patient: Yuan XX, 19 years old, young female, presented to our hospital in December 2013 with “maxillary anterior teeth missing for 1 year”.  Current medical history: 21 teeth were extracted due to trauma, and the missing teeth have been missing for about 1 year. The patient had no systemic contraindications to implant surgery and no tobacco or alcohol habits.  Intra-oral examination showed that the patient was missing 21 teeth, with a good alveolar ridge height, a significant depression on the labial side, and insufficient alveolar ridge width.  CBCT showed that the height of the alveolar ridge was 15.99 mm and the width of the alveolar ridge was 4.95 mm. The surgery was performed by bone splitting with ultrasonic osteotomy, and Straumann bone level narrow neck implant NC 3.3 mm in diameter and 12 mm in length, filled with Bio-oss bone powder and covered with resorbable collagen membrane.  A second-stage surgery was planned for June, and a temporary crown was proposed for two months after the second-stage surgery to reshape the gingiva. The final restoration was completed four months after wearing the temporary crown.  When the width of the maxillary alveolar ridge is insufficient and there is sufficient vertical bone volume, the bone splitting technique combined with GBR can effectively increase the width of the alveolar ridge, and the osteogenic effect is more satisfactory, and the fullness of the alveolar ridge is well restored. The use of temporary crowns can effectively plasticize the gingival tissues, and the gingival morphology and gingival papillae can be plump and natural with healthy color, which can achieve satisfactory final clinical restoration results.

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